Great plants for shade

While many of these plants will take a lot of sun, some will even tolerate full sun, they will all also take heavy shade. 
This information is from the Alabama cooperative extension service and southern living garden book.   In addition to
this list we have many more plants that are very shade tolerent especially in the  perrenial section of the garden
center, but they are to numerous too mention here. 
anise shrub
aucuba varigated shrub
camelias   shrub
clethra shrub
many azaleas including (coral bells, hershey red, hino crimson, hinodegiri) shrub
boxwoods (all) shrub
burning bush shrub
heleri holly and many other hollies.   shrub
glossy abelia shrub
Oakleaf hydrangea shrub
leucothoe shrub
Osmanthus (sweet olive) shrub
Otto lukyn laurel shrub
cherry laurel shrub
viburnum tinus shrub
podocarpus shrub
winter honey suckle shrub
 nandinas any of them                                                                                                             shrub
yew                                                                                                                                         shrub
anna belle, blue bird and other hydrangeas shrub
itea (virginia sweet spire) shrub
kalmia (mountain laurel) will bloom better if recieves some light sun
kerria japonica (yellow rose of texas) shrub
 cleyera shrub
calycanthus (sweet shrub) shrub
st. john’s wort shrub/perennial
helleborus (lenten rose) evergreen perennial
bleeding heart perennial
caladium perennial
ferns perennial
hostas perennial
ajuga ground cover
japanese spurge (pachysandra) ground cover
heucher (coral bells)                                 ground cover 
mondo grass ground cover
dwarf. mondo ground cover
big blue liriope ground cover
varigated liriope ground cover
vinca minor ground cover
creeping fig vine or ground cover
virginia creeper vine or ground cover
wintercreeper eounymous vine or ground cover
trumpet creeper vine or ground cover
trumpet honey suckle vine or ground cover
climbing hydrangea vine or ground cover
carolina jasmine vine or ground cover
english ivy vine or ground cover
chinese wisteria vine
impatients annual
begonias annual
lobelia annual


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